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Post-Graduate Student Session

The Post-Graduate Student Session at BEC 2004 is organized to give graduate students a possibility to present and discuss their ongoing research topics. The main goal of the session is to give the students feedback from scientists and fellow students about their research topics that have just started and/or have not reached the level with firm results.

Every participant will get a 10 minute time slot that should cover both the oral presentation and following discussions. There will be no printed proceedings and the participants are free to support their presentation with additional material - extended abstracts, supporting papers, etc.

The participation is free of charge and is not limited to Master and Ph.D. students.

An one-page extended abstract in PDF format, including name, institution, advisor, contact information, estimated (or actual) graduation date, figures, and bibliography (if applicable).

Deadline: Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Responsible person
Associate Professor Peeter Ellervee. Contact over e-mail: