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Guidelines for Authors of Lecture Presentations.

Lecture sessions provide an opportunity for presentation of your work to audience in a short time. Because lecture sessions are synchronous in nature and some participants plan to move among sessions to catch the papers of their interest, we ask you to keep the timetable of the conference. Since the time for your presentation is rather short, you have to prepare your materials with high clarity. The following guidelines probably will help you.

Lecture Preparation

  1. All lecture session rooms will be equipped with an overhead projector for transparencies.

  2. Please prepare your transparencies in advance. No materials or equipment will be available at the conference for preparing your presentation materials at last minute. Please do not use hand written presentation materials!

  3. Size of lettering and clarity of presentation materials are important. For letter size times new roman with font 22 points or larger is recommendable.

  4. Please do not use more than six or seven transparencies during your presentation. Make your transparencies simple and clear.

  5. Use graphics, schematic diagrams, and figures to make the presentation effective. Keep the text to the minimum possible.

  6. You will have only 15-17 minutes to present your work, and you will be able to speak between 1000-1200 words during this period.

Lecture Presentation

  1. Please plan to arrive at the assigned lecture room five to ten minutes prior the start of the session to introduce yourself to the session chairman and to make sure that the needed presentation equipment is available in the room.

  2. All regular full-lecture sessions have 4 papers (half-lecture sessions have 2 or 3 papers). Lecture presentation slots are 20 minutes long. Please limit your presentation to 15-17 minutes while leaving the remaining time for questions and comments.

  3. Please do not read directly from the transparency. Use them only as a guide. We do not recommend reading from a prepared speech.

  4. Non-author (substitute) presentations are not highly encouraged but acceptable if the real author cannot be present at the conference. The substitute presenters must be familiar with the material being represented in order to be able to answer questions from the audience. Also, the substitute presenter must contact the session chairman or registration desk ahead of the scheduled session time to apprise of the change.

Instruction for Authors of Poster Session

Poster sessions provide an opportunity for interactive and in-depth technical presentation. Because poster sessions are asynchronous in nature, participants can sample the papers of their interest without concern for presentation schedule conflicts. To make poster session successful, please try to follow the following guidelines.

Poster preparation.

  1. Poster boards of size 95 cm wide and 120 cm high will be available at the assigned rooms.

  2. Please prepare your poster in advance. No materials will be available at the conference for preparing your poster at the last minute.

  3. Please do not post the enlarged copies of your camera-ready papers on the board.

  4. Design your poster to attract attention. Large lettering, graphics and color will help you. For letter size times new roman with font size 24 or larger is recommendable. No handwritten posters please.

  5. If you are using multiple sheets to make up your poster presentation, please plan on arranging the flow in a columnar (downward) fashion. Start at the top left and end at the bottom right.

  6. Make your poster as self-explanatory as possible.

Poster Presentation

  1. Please set up your poster in the assigned room at once after registering yourself at the registration desk on the first day of the conference or after arriving on next days.

  2. Authors of all papers in a poster session are required to be physically present by their posters.

  3. Prepare a one-minute overview of your presentation. The session chairman will introduce you to the audience and will give then the word to you, so do not repeat your name and affiliation; just give a quick overview without any formalities.

  4. As participants visit your poster, please be prepared to give a longer (several minute) presentation of your work. You will need to repeat this several times as participants pass through.

  5. Authors are encouraged to bring additional audio/visual aids to enhance the presentation.

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